Are you waiting on a promise God has given you, either through His written or spoken word? So was the prophet Elijah. After three and a half years of no rain, the drought finally ended. The parched ground would finally be refreshed after this long wait. The prophet, Elijah, heard the sound of an abundance of rain. After sending his servant to check for the seventh time, he saw a cloud as small as a man’s hand rising out of the sea. Like the small cloud, you may see only tell-tale signs of your God given dream or promise coming to pass. You may be on the brink of this being fulfilled. When getting ready to top a mountain, the climb can become the hardest. Right before victory, a challenge usually becomes the most intense. Instead of giving up…we must look up! Have faith in God; Mark 11:22. Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!; Psalm 27:14. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass; Psalm 37:5. God is good and He desires to bless you! Wait expectantly; Psalm 5:3, as you listen for your abundance of rain!