When my boys were young we were driving on icy, snow covered roads. Being inexperienced, I realized there was nothing I could do, as we spun 180 degrees. That’s when I closed my eyes, took my hands off the wheel and called on Jesus, as my boys watched! I was thankful to God we landed safely, and they were too! Sometimes life can be very threatening. That’s when we make a choice to trust or enter into control mode, trying to fix everything or orchestrate situations… “until we know what God wants”. Psalm 56:3 says, “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You”. Needlework is very beautifully understood from the top, and usually looks like a messy conglomeration from the underside. God sees the whole picture, as He has an aerial view. Whenever we feel threatened, let’s take our hands off of the situation and put them in our pockets! Let’s simply back off, and oblige God to move in. Isaiah 26:3 says we can keep the perfect peace of God, as our minds are stayed on Him. We can remain calmly at rest as we seek the Lord’s guidance, a surety for every safe landing, even the split second ones!