Jonah found himself in the dark belly of a great fish, in the heart of the tempest sea, as he was running from God. In Jonah, Chapter 2, he said the waters surrounded him and the deep closed around him, as weeds were wrapped around his head. He understood the loom of darkness and the pressure surrounding his mind, as he said his soul fainted. That’s when he remembered the Lord and cried out to Him. He began to thank the Lord, acknowledging that salvation is of Him. As the Lord was attuned to Jonah’s voice, He spoke to the fish, and it expelled him onto the dry land. When Jonah obeyed and spoke God’s word to the great city of Nineveh, many people came to the Lord. Even though Jonah felt Nineveh didn’t deserved God’s salvation, because of their waywardness, He knew God would forgive them, as they turned to Him. That’s when he said, “I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm; Jonah 4:2. Sometimes we may find ourselves in the dark throws or bouts of depression because of our mistakes. We may think we have gone too far or done too much, as our lives are messy and out of order. That’s when we need to remember that “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!”; Matthew 19:26. Turn to Him, instead of away. Instead of living in the dark, your life can be a shining testimony of God’s brilliant goodness! I’m reminded of something my Grandmother told me, as she loved when children played. She said, “I would much rather bathe a very dirty child, who’s been out playing all day, than a clean one!” That’s when you can really tell the difference!” People need to see real! Someone who’s been there! We love a comeback! So, if you think you’re too far under, look up, in Christ, you can surface and really live! The Bible says God becomes a friend to all who accept Jesus, His precious Son, as Savior. His word says He sticks closer than a brother and takes His children by the hand, guiding them. Learn to fall into His arms, and allow Him to love you into wholeness. Patiently wait while He untangles you, and puts your life together. Spend time loving and praising Him, while reading His word. As you spend this time, you’ll get to know Him better and understand His heart. Keep surrendering to His love and will…giving yourself ample time to heal.