Satan is a real enemy, who is always trying to interfere with our lives. He even tries to threaten our earthly existence, as he would like for us to be removed from this life prematurely, before our appointed time. Even though that will be a glorious time for all who are born again (all who have accepted Jesus as Savior), God has a season for us to be here, as we love Him and bring Him glory. When the meddler comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him! Since satan has no right or spiritual authority over the believer, God says, Whoa, back off! This is what happened to Daniel in the lion’s den; Daniel 6. God said it’s not time! When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were lifted from the fiery furnace; Daniel 3, God said it’s not time! When the disciples were on the tumultuous sea; Matthew 8:23-27. God said it’s not time! Jesus said it wasn’t time, as He halted a man’s funeral procession, raising and presenting him to his Mother; Luke 7:11-15. Nor was it time when Jesus raised the little dead girl; Luke 8:40-55. God raised a standard, as it definitely wasn’t time for Jesus to die, as satan repeatedly tried to kill Him, before going to the cross. The list goes on and on! Psalm 118:17 says, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord”. So, if it’s not your time to go, and you are feeling threatened, go the Lord, in faith, believing, and watch Him raise a standard…bringing healing or whatever you need, then live out your intended stay here, as our lives are ultimately in His capable hands! …Stand and see this great thing, which the Lord will do before your eyes! I Samuel 12:16.